Summer Aid

Thinking of taking Summer classes?

You may be eligible for student loans or work study to help cover Summer tuition costs.

Summer financial aid eligibility can be determined by filling out an application below after summer registration opens.  Applications will be processed within three weeks of completion.

Undergraduate financial assistance available during the Summer term is limited to:

  • Federal Direct Stafford Loans 
  • Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan
  • Federal Work Study or State Work Study. Summer enrollment is not required for work study.  Work Study funds are limited and offered on a first-come-first-served basis.

Graduate financial assistance available during the Summer term is limited to the Federal Direct Unsubsidized loan and/or a Graduate PLUS Loan.

The FAFSA is required to be filed in order to be considered for Summer financial aid. You can complete the FAFSA at the webpage here.

At least half time enrollment is required (6 credits for undergraduates, 3 credits for graduates and 4 credits for law students) in order to be eligible for loan funding during the summer term(s).

If you have any questions, contact the Financial Aid Office at or 509-313-6582.

Apply for Summer Aid